The Agnelli and Torino, Filitalia webinar by Angela Cacciarru. The event will be online, on Friday, December 4, 2020, from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm. Discover more about one of the most important Italian families!
The Agnelli and Torino, Filitalia webinar about the family who made the modern history of Italy. The event will take place online, through Google Meet. On Friday, December 4, 2020, from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm, lecture a Q&A session. Angela Cacciarru flies to Piedmont, and she will talk about the history of this region of Italy. The webinar is 10$ for all Filitalia members and non members. Join Angela to discover more about the family who founded the automotive plants FIAT.
The Agnelli and Torino, 2nd Edition
The Agnelli is one of the most important families in Torino, the members are all Italian businesspersons. They are famous not only because Giovanni Agnelli founded FIAT, but also for the property of Juventus Football Club. The current history of Italian and American economic development are interrelated with the history of the Agnelli. Discover how joining the Filitalia Intrnational & Foundation webinar.
You will learn how they became associated with the production of FIAT cars and the city of Turin, the iconic, elegant former Italian capital where FIAT production started. You will also learn about the intertwined histories of both the Italian and American automotive industries.
We will look at how the Agnelli family was, once more, at the center of important entrepreneurial decisions that culminated in the merging of FIAT and Chrysler, and the creation of the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V., which is the world’s eighth largest automaker.
Read more – Filitalia webinar The Borromeos Between Past and Present
Angela Cacciarru
Angela was born and raised in Italy, and has more than twenty years of experience as an instructor of Italian language and culture. As member of Filitalia International & Foundation, she organizes meeting on Cisco, Google Meet and Skype, about the Italian culture and traditions. This time she will introduce you the second edition of ‘The Agnelli and Torino’. Join her to know the secrets of the family who changed the European and global economy. Angela left Italy in 1990, and became a United States citizen in 2004. Her knowledge of Human Geography, her academic specialty since her Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been important in diversifying and broadening the content of her classes.
The Agnelli and Torino, il webinar di Filitalia
Continuano i webinar di Filitalia International & Foundation a cura di Angela Cacciarru. Al centro del prossimo evento ci sarà la famiglia Agnelli, una delle più importanti di Torino. Famosi per la FIAT, la casa automobilista fondata da Giovanni Agnelli nel 1899, anche senatore del Regno d’Italia. La famiglia è diventata ancora più celebre dopo il sodalizio imprenditoriale-sportivo con la società calcistica Juventus Football Club. Il rapporto dura, quasi ininterrotto, dal 1923.
I webinar sono organizzati da Angela Cacciarru. Nata e cresciuta in Italia, si è traferita nel 1990 ed è diventata cittadina statunitense nel 2004. Le sue conoscenze, il dottorato di ricerca presso l’Università del Nord Carolina, e i continui aggiornamenti, le permettono di ampliare i temi di cui si occupa.
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