Philadelphia Bojano Prt 1: Nick Santangelo arrive in Rome and then to Bojano in Molise

Philadelphia Bojano Prt 1: Nick Santangelo (IEP ITA) arrive in Rome and then to Bojano in Molise

Attualità Italiani Nel Mondo

by Nick Santangelo *

Philadelphia Bojano Prt 1: Hello All, My name is Nick Santangelo & this is my story about my time in Italy with I.E.P. I am writing this as I sit in the ground floor of a building complex, surrounded by the mountains, fresh air, clear skies, the perfect rays of sun, & a cool breeze. All in the beautiful region of Molise, particularly the province of Campobasso, in the small city of Bojano. I have come here not just simply for time away or a vacation, but for a conference held in Rome as well as a chance to completely culturally immerse myself in the Italian language & modern culture. Read the italian version of this newspaper article HERE

Filitalia International

I am the Assistant director of a Philadelphia based, international Italian American non-profit organization called Filitalia International founded by Pasquale Nestico, as well as an accomplished musician & teacher of drums & percussion.

Italian roots

Regardless of my work & what I do to make a living, I have been always proud & deeply connected to my Italian roots, even though I’m 3 generations removed from the country.

The story of my experiences in Italy

This is the story of my experiences & time in Italy. My trip started with a busy day, landing in Fiumicino, traveling to a northeast, residential zone of Rome, & trying to rest before attending a Filitalia International conference for the chapters of Italy.

Distretto Italia

There we solidified the future plans of the chapters, recapped the history as well as the amazing progress & growth experienced by the newly created Distretto di Italia, & presented awards for the 2023 Heroes Awards. Even some of the Italian presidents’ excellent work & performances were honored with certificates.

My friend Franco Iadarola

I was able to meet so many people for the first time as well as meet others in person. I even was able to reconnect & speak with my friend Franco Iaradola, who I haven’t seen in over a year since my family & I hosted him in New Jersey. It truthfully had been such an incredibly enjoyable experience in which the bridge

Philadelphia Bojano Prt 1: Italian buffet

We finished with an Italian style buffet, catered by a few of the presidents, with pasta con pesto, many types of fresh cheeses from Caseificio Biferno Pulsone of Bojano, a diverse assortments of drinks, & homemade tiramisu! With the end of the conference of July 21st, 2024, and a day of rest in Rome, Franco, his girlfriend Alessandra, & mother Mina Cappussi picked me up from my airBnB & we headed to their region.

Amazing experience in Italy

More or less, the city, or town in the eyes of this American, is an amazing place to experience the real Italy. I’m a musician; I teach and play drums throughout the greater Philadelphia & Trenton areas of the states of Philadelphia & New Jersey respectively.

In South Italy my family’s history

I’ve always enjoyed the city as long as I’ve worked there for Filitalia & my musical projects. However, I’ve wanted to always to travel to the center & south of Italy, where the vast majority of my family’s history lies.

Bojano – Molise – Basilicata

With the next few articles, I will talk more about the amazing experiences that I’ve been able to have in Bojano, the city of Campobasso, & even Basilicata, the location that my grandfather’s father’s family can trace their roots back to!

Philadelphia Bojano Prt 1: Wait for the Prt 2! (LEGGI QUI LA VERSIONE IN ITALIANO DELL’ARTICOLO)

* Nick Santangelo, Assistant Director Filitalia International, I.E.P., accomplished musician & teacher of drums & percussion

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Mina Cappussi

Sono nata il 14 luglio, che è tutto dire! Docente a contratto per l’UNIVERSITA’ ROMA TRE, Facoltà di Lettere, dipartimento di Linguistica, Corso di “Metacomunicazione sul Web e New Media” Laureata con Lode in Scienze Politiche, Master in Management Sanitario Professionale di II livello Master in Diritto del Minore Roma Sapienza, Master in Didattica professione Docente, Perfezionamento in Mediazione Familiare e consulente di coppia Università Suor Orsola Benincasa Napoli, Diploma di Counselor, Master sull’Immigrazione e le Migrazioni Italiane Università Venezia, Master in studi su Emigrazione Forzata e dei Rifugiati - University of Oxford, Master Class in Giornalismo Musicale, Diploma DSA, Diploma Tecnologo per l'Archeologia Sperimentale. Scrittrice, saggista, giornalista, artista, iscritta all’Ordine dei Giornalisti, International Press Card Federation of Journalists, Direttore e Publisher dal 2008 del quotidiano internazionale UN MONDO D’ITALIANI