Filitalia webinar The Borromeos

Filitalia webinar The Borromeos Between Past and Present

Italiani Nel Mondo

Filitalia webinar The Borromeos Between Past and Present will be the next theme. November 6, 2020, on Google Meet. Angela Cacciarru will explain the ancient roots of the Borromeo family’s prestige and how the social network influenced it. Join the webinar!

Filitalia webinar The Borromeos Between Past and Present and the Role of Social Network will be the next topic. The event will take place online through Google Meet on Friday, November 6, 2020, from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm, lecture and Q&A session. Angela Cacciarru, organizer of the webinars, will talk about Milano and the change that the city has faced over the years. The webinar is 10$ for all Filitalia members and non members. Join Angela Cacciarru and discover Milan, Italian fashion city, and the secrets of Borromeo Family.


Filitalia webinar The Borromeos

The Borromeos were, and still are, an influential family in the refined city of Milano. Would you like to know more about this famous family, their fascinating history and continuing allure of glamour, to help us understand more about Milan both past and present? Filitalia invites you to join this webinar and know something more about this glamourous family. By using a modern approach, Angela Cacciarru will explain you how the social media is playing a role in the preservation of the myth of the Borromeo Family. You will be astounded by the ancient roots of the Borromeo family’s prestige, and the very modern representation of their current power!


Angela Cacciarru

Angela was born and raised in Italy, and has more than twenty years of experience as an instructor of Italian language and culture. As member of Filitalia International & Foundation, she organizes meeting on Cisco, Google Meet and Skype, about the Italian culture and traditions. This time she will introduce you ‘Milano Between Past and Present: The Borromeo Family and the Role of Social Network’, to know the secrets of this glamourous and powerful Italian family. Angela left Italy in 1990, and became a United States citizen in 2004. Her knowledge of Human Geography, her academic specialty since her Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been important in diversifying and broadening the content of her classes.

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Pamela Cioffi

Ciao a tutti! Sono Pamela, ho 25 anni e frequento il corso di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali all'Università degli Studi del Molise. Ho scelto di dedicare quest'anno all'Italia, come volontaria del Servizio Civile Universale e ho aderito con entusiasmo al progetto Molise Noblesse. Prendervi parte mi ha permesso, tra tante cose, di essere stagista per il quotidiano internazionale UMDI. Grazie alla maturità scientifica, mi sono appassionata alla conoscenza del mondo, adoro l'Arte, la Cultura e la Scienza. La curiosità mi spinge a conoscere sempre nuove cose. Sono amante della lettura e dei viaggi.