Claudio Baglioni, one of the most beloved artists in the history of popular Italian music, is touring the globe with his “Un Solo Mondo – One World 2010” And he will meet his public at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò (NY) on Thursday 16 of december to discuss the message he wants to take with his music… and his fans will have the chance to talk to him face to face!
On this occasion Claudio will meet his public at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò (NY) on Thursday, December 16
(6pm) to discuss “Music as a universal language that can unite the world”
The discussion will be introduced and moderated by Letizia Airos, journalist (i-Italy), Mario Platero, journalist (Il Sole 24ore) and Tiziana Rinaldi Castro (writer). Don’t miss the chance to talk to Claudio face-to-face!
The next day, Friday, December 17 (8pm) Claudio will perform at the Angel Orensanz Foundation.
It will be the great final show of a journey across five continents.
This long world tour is much more than a simple series of concerts because Claudio, as founder and promoter of the O’Scià Foundation, that has been raising awareness about the issue of integration for years, often meets with local authorities and of course Italian communities living abroad to talk about intercultural dialogue and interaction.
“This tour – he explained – is also a parallel journey, made by a citizen, starting from the Italian migration of 150 years ago. Unfortunately today most people talk and act just as if Italian migrations never happened. I called the tour ‘Un solo mondo’ (One world) because music is a unifying force.
Music is the most beautiful and widespread language, everyone understands it, even people that have never known it nor studied it and people who cannot neither read nor write it.
An extraordinary language, that has got the power to unite what is divided, speaking directly to the only thing that people have in common: their souls.
Music brings people together and makes us understand that we cannot live without the others.”
Di Mina Mingarelli
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